“They don’t know it, but the wrath of the Lord is about to descend on ‘em, come sundown”.
Captain "Gus" McCrae in Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry
The quote above is a perfect metaphor for justice or retribution (destiny) and Lonesome Dove is a novel that captures the spirit of the old west, especially that sub-genre known as frontier justice. The book won a Pulitzer Prize in 1986 and being a novel, it’s naturally a work of fiction, though the story does well to immortalise the historic western and (admittedly) romanticised cliche´ of the Posse Comitatus Act. The term itself is a legal one, latin for “power from the county/community.” Usually it is shortened to ‘posse’ and characterised as an armed group of cowboys or frontiersmen who band together to track down and hang some outlaws, rapists, horse thieves or (as I shall soon elaborate on) …some plain ol’ murderers.
Captain Augustus “Gus” Mcrae was a former Texas Ranger and his quote above is a forecast for what’s about to unfold upon these ‘soon to be named’ murderers. The main characters of Lonesome Dove are Gus McRae and Woodrow F. Call, both retired lawmen/Captains of the Texas Rangers and business partners who in one part of this classic western lead a posse and hang some rampaging outlaws who had murdered some locals. The two ex-Rangers and their posse descend upon their target - swooping upon the criminals’ campsite and apprehending the gang. Thrown up on horses, ropes tight around their necks, the outlaws are soon dangling under a tree. Indeed the metaphor takes shape reminding me of another ol’ folk ballad - ‘John Dooley’ that sings the tale of a murderer who ends up (as the catchy tune goes) “hanging from a White Oak tree”.
Now I do realise I’m taking a gamble by publishing such bold predictions, but I have some global indicators (stay with me) that the gang of murderous outlaws called Big Pharma are destined to meet the grim reaper for their crimes, including ‘crimes against humanity’. The only way they can possibly escape the noose is to ‘throw us’ into a world war or economic collapse but little sign of this happening (sardonicism). World War III aside, mark my word the posse is coming for the Big Pharma Gang but unfortunately swift justice for their global crimes of forcing the mRNA jabs, the lockdowns, forcing masks on children and pushing unholy mandates (including killing woman and children) may initially appear to be lost like tumbleweed blowing on the prairie. After all we are now into 2024 and can clearly witness the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex (PIC) trying to escape the noose. Indeed one of the gang leaders, Dr. Albert Bourla hung his head as he scurried away from Rebel News reporters who had tracked him down in Davos, Switzerland back in January 2023.1 “When did you know the vaccine didn’t stop transmission? ……why did you keep it secret?” the Rebel News crew repeatedly asked, but The Bourla kept walking away, head hung low. The Pfizer CEO mumbled something in response but nothing of substance. He must have known he and his associates (such as J&J, Moderna and AstraZeneca) have killed people - including children with their lies and corporatization of pushing experimental jabs on the public. For reference there is the case of Maddie De Garay, a girl who at the age of 12 was jab injured during the initial Pfizer trials and now confined to a wheelchair.2 The Big Pharma Gang are everywhere it seems and in the Australian Senate, Queensland Senator Gerard Rennick asked Pfizer executive Krishan Thiru on 3 August 2023 if he knew, “why their vaccine causes myocarditis?”.3 Much like The Bourla did in Davos, The Thiru evaded the question with mumbo jumbo about ‘cost verse benefit’ ratios (of getting the jabs). To clarify, myocarditis is a medical term for inflammation of the heart and it can kill, and indeed so many people suffered this injury directly from the jab.
Now, speaking of ‘cost vs benefit’ ratios, it was just over a year ago when I just so happened to bump into Professor Gigi Foster, a economics professor from the University of New South Wales. She and her colleagues have published several books on the Australian government’s response to Covid-19 including, The Great Covid Panic. Notably, their research did not examine Australia’s own ‘cost vs benefit’ analysis of imposing lockdowns because…(brace yourself) as Professor Foster says - the government didn’t do any cost-benefit analysis.4 What you say? - no ‘cost verse benefit’ analysis on imposing nationwide lockdowns and crippling mandates? Incredibly, this appears the case but luckily for the Australian people, Professor Foster and her colleagues did such analysis in their book, ‘Do Lockdowns And Border Closures Serve The "Greater Good?’. The conclusions are sobering and in summary (brace yourself again) I’ll just quote Professor Foster,
“At a minimum the cost of our lockdown policies has been 68 times their plausible benefits”.5
It appears the Australian government simply panicked and responded to Covid-19 with untested, un-scientific and most certainly un-democratic policies. Let that sink in, “68 times their plausible benefits”….and you can read more about this in her books (see endnote references). 6
It wasn’t broadcasted much in the main stream media but, the covid response was actually a coordinated pre-plan run by the defence departments (The Deep States) of Canada, America, Britain and Australia under a 2012 agreement called the Medical Countermeasures Consortium. Queensland Senator Malcom Roberts openly stated in the Australian Senate, “This was planned and delivered, and Pfizer did the work on behalf of the American Department of Defense. That’s why it bypassed the testing. Now we have 30,000 excess deaths.”7 Senator Roberts also stated the Australian government took the word of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), “We know our Therapeutic Goods Administration, the TGA, did not review the Pfizer stage II and III clinical trial data and instead relied on the American FDA’s paperwork. We know the FDA didn’t review the data and instead took Pfizer’s word for how the trials went. Surely the TGA knew this. If it did, the TGA’s complicit. If it didn’t know, the TGA is hopelessly or wilfully negligent”.8
Evidently, the lies of the Big Pharma Gang got passed around and covid policies were not simply incompetence implemented by lower level bureaucrats, but a planned collusion between the highest ups in the defence forces, medical regulatory boards, Big Pharma and the political class. In Australia, doctors and nurses were silenced and censored by APHRA (Australian Practitioner Health Regulation Agency) even when jab injuries increased by the thousands. South Australian Senator Alex Antic confirmed the death of several children by the jabs when questioning TGA Professor John Skerritt,9 who (suspiciously?) left his job in 2023 to work for the pharmaceutical lobby group Medicines Australia. Presumable The Skerritt is now a well paid executive there.10
There are some signs of justice breaking through the covid firewall however, as Professor Foster stated, “In a few years we’ll see some gaol time for Pfizer executives”11 and in 2023 I spoke to former Blackrock portfolio manager Ed Dowd who also is Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s co-treasurer for the US presidential campaign. Mr. Dowd is a finance ‘numbers’ guy and stated he acquired industry information that Pfizer would be bankrupt in five years for …(this a a big one) - crimes against humanity.12 ‘Wow’, I thought at the time, as such crimes are typically associated with war crimes against civilians…and yet here he was, this Wall Street executive directly incriminating the pharmaceutical industry. Mr. Dowd said this insider information came from a CEO of a famous US health fund (though he was bound to keep the CEO’s identity confidential). Mr. Dowd clarified that he also estimated the legal action against Pfizer would take five years and will be directly related to the epidemic of excess deaths commencing with the jab rollouts (see endnote reference for his book, Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021, 2022, & 2023).13
So with these indicators above (there are actually many more) I predict the end of the Big Pharma Gang is on the horizon, even with sympathetic co-conspirators like the Main Stream Media working the covid firewall to censor the worldwide excess death rate. While Big Pharma’s ‘sundown moment’, may not be immediate, we should look on the bright side as this gang will have to sweat it out while on the run. Imagine, five years of looking over your shoulder, waiting for the posse to strike. The Bourla, The Thiru, The Skerritt and other gang members like The Fauci, may not have cared about the millions of their victims but I bet they worry for their own necks. Unfortunately, some of this pharmaceutical criminal class are old and may escape the noose (The Fauci is 89) and like the US President, The Biden (also guilty of pushing the jabs) are well past their ‘use by date’. Nevertheless when they cross over - rest assured the darkness of hell awaits. Senator Roberts however, recently endorsed legislation sponsored by fellow Queensland Senator, Ralph Babet (The Vaccine Indemnity Bill 2023) a law that would prevent a repeat of such tyranny, “Australia needs this bill to make sure that no inhuman monster like the former health minister Greg Hunt, like the former prime minister Scott Morrison, like premiers Palaszczuk, McGowan and Andrews, is allowed to get away with malfeasance forcing experimental gene therapy based injections leading to tens of thousands of deaths, tens of thousands of people permanently crippled for life and hundreds of thousands of people injured, and uncounted people in mourning.”14
Coincidently, the State of Texas also figures in this modern analogy as their Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing Pfizer for fraud and other acts of deceptive malfeasance. The posse he commands is a formal one and I might add the crime syndicate of Big Tobacco was once ‘hanged’ in similar fashion. One may recall The Seven Dwarves, the lineup of Big Tobacco executives testifying before Congress in April 1994. As Congressman Ron Wyden questioned them one by one - all seven Big Tobacco executives magnificently lied before congress (and the cameras) testifying that nicotine is “not addictive”.15 The sundown moment for Big Tobacco had arrived as a posse of 46 state’s attorney generals enabled a tsunami of litigation culminating in the 1996 Master Settlement. This legal settlement ended tobacco marketing and lobbying, forcing Big Tobacco into paying 206 plus billion dollars for costs of tobacco related illnesses. It was the end of The Big Tobacco Gang and their political influence in the United States. Likewise, in a more recent statement against Pfizer, Attorney General Paxton wrote,
“We are pursuing justice for the people of Texas, many of whom were coerced by tyrannical vaccine mandates to take a defective product sold by lies…The facts are clear. Pfizer did not tell the truth about their COVID-19 vaccines”.16
Texas (God bless the Lone Star State) has commenced the tightening of the noose. I should also mention Ed Dowd stated excess deaths in Australia (deaths not caused by Covid-19) were up some 14 - 16 % beginning in 2021 (coincidently) when the jabs were mandated.17 These excess deaths were officially acknowledged in the Australian Senate in February 2024 in a motion by Senator Babet who bravely pushed it through against opposition from The Labor Party and The Greens.18 For some reason many Australian authorities don’t want to know why so many Aussies died after the mandates. A familiar tune is echoed around the globe as countries who pushed the gene therapies experienced INCREASED excess deaths. ‘Uncanny’ one could say and I think Senator Roberts aptly summed up this depravity, “This is inhuman, and it’s monsters that did it”.19 He also said of the perpetrators, “We will chase you until you are held accountable”.20 Indeed, it may take a few years to hunt them down, but I urge you dear reader not to lose hope, as it appears the posse (the legal machinery) hunting the Big Pharma monsters have only just put their boots on.
Time will tell, but in the meantime I say to the posse, “saddle up and go get them sons of bitches”.
Rebel News, Caught him! Rebel News pummels Pfizer CEO with questions at World Economic Forum, By Ezra Levant, 19 January 2023https://www.rebelnews.com/caught_him_rebel_news_pummels_pfizer_ceo_with_questions_at_world_economic_forum
Children’s Health Defence, Pennsylvanian Chapter, Rigged - Maddie De Garry’s Story, 29 August 2022 https://pa.childrenshealthdefense.org/video/maddie-de-garays-story/
Senator Gerard Rennick, Pfizer can't explain why its Covid Vax causes myocarditis - Senate Estimates, 3 August 2023
Professor Gigi Foster, Gigi Foster: Jail Time for Pfizer - Cost Benefit Ratio Australia, November 2022 interview with Scorpion Media Group. https://rumble.com/v1ujvkg-gigi-foster-jail-time-for-pfizer-cost-benefit-ratio-australia.html
Lockdowns and Border Closures Serve the "Greater Good"? A Cost-benefit Analysis of Reaction to COVID-19, By Professor Gigi Foster (with Sanjeev Sabhlok) 2022. https://www.amazon.com.au/lockdowns-closures-cost-benefit-analysis-Australias/dp/1922815217
The Great Covid Panic, What Happened, Why and What to do Next? By Professor Gigi Foster, Paul Frijters, Michael Baker 2021. https://www.amazon.com.au/Great-Covid-Panic-What-Happened/dp/1630692778
Senator Malcolm Roberts, No more indemnity - We will chase you until you are held accountable, Australian Senate Speech,10 August 2023. https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/no-more-indemnity-we-will-chase-you-until-you-are-held-accountable/
Senator Malcolm Roberts, Did the Medical Countermeasures Consortium Run Covid? Australian Senate Speech 9 August 2023. https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/did-medical-countermeasures-consortium-run-covid/
Senator Alex Antic, Senators Antic, Rennick and Roberts in Action, Budget Supplementary Estimates 2022–23, Community Affairs Legislation Committee, Department of Health and Aged Care, 16 February 2023.
Maryanne Demasi PhD. Drug Regulators - The Revolving Door Keeps Revolving, 22 January 2024
Professor Gigi Foster, op. cit. (above note 4).
Ed Dowd, Primary Driver & Shame the Yanks (Excess deaths, Pfizer Knew, Shane Warne's death) 10 June 2023 Interview with Scorpion Media Group: https://rumble.com/v2tqyh8-primary-driver-and-shame-the-yanks-excess-deaths-pfizer-knew-shane-warnes-d.html
Ed Dowd, Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021, 2022, and 2023, Published 2022 and 2023. https://www.amazon.com.au/Cause-Epidemic-Sudden-Deaths-2021/dp/1648210732
Senator Malcom Roberts, op. cit.(above note 7).
The Public Governance, Performance & Accountability Amendment (Vaccine Indemnity) Bill 2023 https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Bills_LEGislation/Bills_Search_Results/Result?bId=s1387.
Tobacco Chiefs Say Cigarettes Aren't Addictive, New York Times, By Philip J. Hilts, 15 April 1994.
See also: Searcy Law Video, Big Tobacco and the Seven Dwarfs -- Swearing Under Oath to Lie.
‘Pursuing justice’: Texas sues Pfizer for overstating COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness, The Sydney Morning Herald, By Madlin Mekelburg, 1 December 2023.
Ed Dowd, op. cit. (above note 12).
Senator Ralph Babet, The Senate Acknowledges Excess Deaths, General Business Notice of Motion No. 462,
Senator Malcolm Roberts, op. cit. (above note 8).
Senator Malcolm Roberts, op. cit. (above note 7).